Hello everybody 🙂

The summer is over, definitely. We have 3-12 °C (= 37-54 °F, downward drift) and slowly but surely I need some new fingerless gloves to control my cam :-).

You may think now: The poor models have to pose there in the cold and freeze in their stylish clothes and I can wear what ever I want. Huh… yes it’s true :-). But don’t worry. They should have some ski underwear too and do just everything they want between the shots to stay warm :-).

Meanwhile, the photo sessions with Nellie evolve to some kind of spontaneous action, like the other people go for a walk, take a coffee with friends or watch a film :-). “I’m up for some pictures. You? :)”, “Hmm. Cool! Next Saturday?”, “Yeah… Ahmmm… Stop! No time! Thursday evening?” “That’s good but it’s ‘evening’ – no light :)” “Does it matter?” “Uhhh… Not really :)” “Cool :)” “Deal? :)” “Deal! :)”

And I love it! :-).

It’s just a pleasure to work with someone you know. It does not feel like a work any more, there is no pressure and you start instinctively to think about ideas. Sure, in the colt time it’s much more difficult to experiment with several outfits but on the other hand, you don’t have to wait until 11 pm to get some darkness for a good atmosphere. And this time we took the opportunity and went to a few more interesting dark places to take some “good” pictures instead of “nice” :-).

I confess I have still scruples to exceed my own limits because something inside of me still wants to make “nice” pictures and “nice” music. But there is something much deeper too and this something thinks absolutely opposite. And it’s important to achieve the balance.

During this sessions Nellie and I were looking for some darker corners with less indirect, diffused light, some rougher backgrounds and backlight coming from cars and lanterns. In some situations there was nearly no light at all and I had to go to higher sensitivity (ISO) and longer exposure time. But if you want to get rougher results – some image noise could be quite helpful :-).

I hope you like it 🙂


Your Chris.